  1. 3. the chemical breakdown of sugar
  2. 4. transformation, A change from one form of energy to another
  3. 5. Light-absorbing molecule
  4. 8. macromolecule containing hydrogen and nitrogen
  5. 12. A molecule containing carbon that is a part of or produced by living systems.
  6. 14. the ability to do work
  7. 15. control center of the cell
  8. 17. compound used by cells to store and release energy
  9. 21. requires oxygen
  10. 22. unable to go through
  11. 24. the study of how energy flows through living organisms
  12. 26. the cell's metabolic process
  13. 28. cycle citric acid cycle
  14. 31. power house of the cell
  15. 32. The changing of organic matter into other chemical forms such as fuels.
  16. 34. the temperature at which a substance freezes
  17. 35. An organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs
  18. 36. a very large organic molecule composed of many small molecules
  19. 39. nucleic acid that is capable of replication and determining the structure of a cell
  20. 40. a class of nutrients that builds body tissues and supplies energy and is made of amino acids
  21. 41. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
  22. 43. saclike photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplasts
  1. 1. A long molecule consisting of many similar or identical monomers linked together.
  2. 2. A green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants
  3. 6. a catalyst produced by a living organism that brings on a specific biochemical reaction
  4. 7. the measurement of the amount of solute within a volume of a solvent
  5. 9. A simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers
  6. 10. A group of membraneā€bound organelles commonly found in photosynthetic organisms and mainly responsible for the synthesis and storage of food.
  7. 11. stack of thylakoids
  8. 13. A difference in the concentration of a substance across a distance.
  9. 16. the diffusion of water
  10. 18. the measurement of how hot or cold something is
  11. 19. a biochemical pathway of photosynthesis in which carbon dioxide is converted into glucose using ATP
  12. 20. process doesn't require oxygen.
  13. 23. a group of atoms bonded together
  14. 25. fluid portion of the chloroplast outside of the thylakoids
  15. 27. made of carbon hydrogen and and oxygen atoms and is a major source of energy for the human body lipids, energy rich organic compounds such as fats oils and waxes
  16. 29. the process plants use to create energy in the form of sugar
  17. 30. a metabolic process that makes alcohol
  18. 33. process that requires oxygen
  19. 37. the heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a given substance by a given amount (usually one degree).
  20. 38. the study of energy transformations
  21. 42. hydrogen ion concentration