- 1. an organelle that contains digestive enzymes that break down waste materials
- 4. an organelle that breaks down sugars and release energy
- 8. an organelle that packages materials and distributes them within the cell or out of the cell
- 9. an organelle that produces proteins for the cell
- 12. a protective layer surrounding a cell that controls what enters and leaves the cell
- 13. an organelle used as a temporary storage area
- 14. a jellylike substance that is contained within the cell membrane
- 2. an organelle that aids in the production and movement of proteins and other materials through the cell
- 3. a protein that speeds up a chemical reaction
- 5. a specialized organelle in photosynthetic organisms that captures the energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical energy
- 6. abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the genetic material passed from parent to offspring
- 7. a specialized structure within a cell that performs a particular function
- 10. the control center of the cell that contains DNA
- 11. a strong, supportive layer around the cell membrane in plants algae, and some bacteria and fungi