
  1. 1. Variable the variable affected by the change
  2. 3. a group of atoms bonded together
  3. 5. the smallest unit of a chemical element
  4. 7. Group a group separated from the rest of an experiment
  5. 9. a group of cells that function as a unit
  6. 11. consisting of a single cell
  7. 12. a thing or event that provokes a specific reaction of an organ or tissue
  8. 14. System a group of organs that work together
  9. 15. a proposed explanation for something
  10. 17. something unchanging
  11. 18. a behavior caused by the stimulus
  12. 19. the smallest unit of an organism
  1. 2. being exact
  2. 3. consisting of multiple cells
  3. 4. Variable a variable that's held constant
  4. 5. the condition of being true or correct
  5. 6. the state of steady condition
  6. 8. Feedback decrease or lessen body processes to return to more stable conditions
  7. 10. Variable the variable that is manipulated/changed
  8. 13. Feedback increases body processes to return to more stable conditions
  9. 16. a collection of tissues that form a unit that has a specific function