
  1. 5. the first step in the scientific method
  2. 6. method- science is characterized by an organized response called
  3. 7. smallest unit that can perform all life's processes
  4. 8. study of life
  5. 9. bacteria, archaea, eukarya
  6. 10. electron microscope- can see into the actual specimen
  1. 1. the fourth step in the scientific method
  2. 2. animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, bacteria
  3. 3. electron microscope- can only see the surface of the specimen
  4. 4. structures that carry out specialized jobs within an organs system
  5. 5. the high degree of order within an organism's internal and external parts and its interactions with the living world
  6. 7. light microscope-shines light through a specimen