- 4. + CO2 + H2O : Reactants of cellular respiration
- 6. : Transformation of glucose to into ATP
- 7. : Smallest unit of living things
- 8. to stimuli : Fight or flight response
- 9. : Locate at the right side of the arrow
- 10. : The high energy form of adenosine triphosphate
- 11. : Living things that use the sun’s energy directly to make glucose
- 12. : The used form form of adenosine triphosphate
- 13. : Genetic material changes over time through within a species
- 14. Organization : Cell -> Tissue -> Organ -> Organ system -> Organism
- 16. : Maintaining Balance
- 17. : passing DNA through the family
- 18. Fusion : Gravity condolences nuclei and forms atoms to collide and produce the origin of energy
- 19. : Cell division
- 1. + oxygen : Products of Photosynthesis
- 2. : Living thighs that cannot use the sun's energy directly
- 3. : Plants rely on animals and animals rely on plants
- 5. + CO2 + H2O : Reactants of cellular respiration
- 8. : Located at the left side of the arrow
- 9. : A process in which plants use the sun to make glucose
- 15. : The process that transforms glucose into ATP