
  1. 4. any eukaryotic organism
  2. 8. a specialized structure that performs specific jobs
  3. 9. responsible for nutrient storage, detoxification, and exportation
  4. 14. a molecule consisting of a nitrogen containing base
  5. 15. no nucleus
  6. 18. helps detoxify alcohol and break down fats
  7. 20. has a nucleus
  1. 1. a type of protein
  2. 2. helps organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division
  3. 3. responsible for manufacturing, warehousing, and shipping certain cellular products
  4. 5. makes protein
  5. 6. enables the cell to move around
  6. 7. provides support and protection
  7. 10. liquid portion of the cell
  8. 11. allows the cell to stick to surfaces
  9. 12. cleans the cell
  10. 13. creates energy for the cell
  11. 16. makes photosynthesis
  12. 17. holds the genetic information
  13. 19. contains the cell's DNA