
  1. 5. killing for commercial use
  2. 6. birth in egg
  3. 7. almost extinct
  4. 9. the streets, uber eats of cell
  5. 11. live birth
  6. 12. has scales, cold-blooded
  7. 14. the brain containing the DNA
  8. 16. destroys crops,
  9. 17. having hair and warmblooded
  10. 19. has soft body with shell
  11. 20. a crab, rolie poliy
  1. 1. the jellylike substance
  2. 2. barrel shaped structure
  3. 3. sea urchin and starfish
  4. 4. segmented invertebrate
  5. 8. means double life
  6. 10. with a backbone
  7. 13. has 3 main body parts
  8. 15. membrane allows things in/out
  9. 18. the powerhouse