
  1. 2. jelly-like substance that makes up the matrix of the cell body
  2. 9. movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low
  3. 11. cells "skeleton" of microtubes which gives it shape, strength, and the capacity for directed movement
  4. 13. organelles where proteins are made from the translation of RNA strands
  5. 14. contains more solute and less water; shrinks
  6. 15. movement of water from an area of high concentration to low
  7. 16. an elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing chlorophyll; photosynthesis
  8. 17. allows come particles to enter and leave the cell
  9. 18. basic unit of structure and function
  10. 19. the way organelles are put together
  1. 1. composed of many cells
  2. 3. powerhouse of cell
  3. 4. movement of materials out of the cell using energy
  4. 5. contains less solute and more water; swells or burst
  5. 6. movement of solid materials into the cell using energy
  6. 7. the specific job the organelles perform
  7. 8. control center of cell
  8. 10. single-celled; composed of one cell
  9. 12. water and solute are equal; stays the same
  10. 15. a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function, and is usually separately enclosed within its own membrane; little organs within cell