  1. 3. Cropping season from July –to October
  2. 6. Animal dung used for fertilizing land
  3. 8. The supply of water to crops at regular intervals
  4. 9. The process of planting seeds
  5. 11. To separate the grain or seeds from by some mechanical means,
  6. 12. A plant that is grown on a large scale
  1. 1. The process of turning and loosening soil
  2. 2. a machine used for harvesting, threshing and separating
  3. 4. chemicals that are sprayed over the fields to get rid of weeds
  4. 5. Chemical substances supplied to the crops to increase their productivity.
  5. 7. The process of separating heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind
  6. 10. A large container to store grains