
  1. 5. a cycle of matter that contains phosphates and nucleic acids
  2. 6. an organism that is able to make nutritional substances
  3. 7. when oxygen is present
  4. 8. used by all living things to store and release energy
  5. 10. an organism that cannot make its own food
  6. 13. a cycle of matter that contains all macromolecules
  7. 14. what all living things are made out of
  8. 15. is what comes out of the reactant
  9. 17. all of the ecosystems combined
  10. 18. if no anaerobic conditions what occurs
  11. 20. the energy for the cell,makes ATP
  12. 21. first step of cellular respiration
  13. 22. organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms
  1. 1. when oxygen is not present
  2. 2. third step of cellular respiration
  3. 3. located in the thylakoid membranes
  4. 4. located in the stroma of the chloroplast
  5. 9. the process where plants use sunlight to make food
  6. 11. the combined mass of water found on a planet
  7. 12. is what you use to make the product
  8. 16. second step of cellular respiration
  9. 19. a cycle of matter that contains proteins and nucleic acids