
  1. 4. Carries water from roots to leaves.
  2. 6. Group of cells.
  3. 9. The second whorl of the flower and is composed of coloured petals.
  4. 11. reproduction Male and female parents are involved.
  5. 13. fusion of male gametes and female gametes is known as.
  6. 15. Vein openings.
  7. 18. Underground stem that bears roots and shoots at the nodes.
  8. 19. Fixing of the embryo in the uterus is known as.
  1. 1. Minute Pores present in the leaves.
  2. 2. Epidermal cells have finger like tubular outgrowth known as.
  3. 3. Regrowing of a lost part of the body is defined as.
  4. 5. Multilayered waxy deposit that covers the leaves.
  5. 7. Outermost whorl of the flower.
  6. 8. Loss of water in the liquid state is known as.
  7. 10. Attraction between water molecules.
  8. 12. roots are covered by a single celled layer called.
  9. 14. Carries food from leaves to other parts.
  10. 16. Underground stem that grows in clusters and is usually round in shape.
  11. 17. Process of living beings producing young ones of their own kind is called.
  12. 20. reproduction Single parent gives rise to the new individual.