
  1. 3. Process blood and produces urine.
  2. 7. Tube that leads to lungs.
  3. 8. System that takes blood to and from heart.
  4. 10. The system that helps you breathe.
  5. 13. Filters blood among other jobs.
  6. 14. Your voice box.
  7. 15. Brings blood from heart.
  8. 16. Tube that leads to the stomach.
  9. 18. Muscle that pushes air in and out of lungs.
  10. 19. Bring blood to heart.
  1. 1. System that gives the body energy from food
  2. 2. Helps your body run.
  3. 4. Leads to arteries to get blood out of heart.
  4. 5. Two bottom chambers of heart.
  5. 6. The system that has Organs that remove waste.
  6. 9. You breath with it.
  7. 11. Acts as a shield for internal organs.
  8. 12. Sacs that separate lungs from your chest walls.
  9. 15. Top two chambers of heart.
  10. 17. Brings air from nose and mouth to Trachea