- 3. Organisms that rely on other organisms for their energy and food suply
- 5. An organism that lives an or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host
- 8. A series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten
- 9. Living factors that influence an ecosystem
- 11. The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
- 14. Group of organisms so similar to another that they can breed and produce fertile offspring
- 15. The scientific study of interaction among organisms and between organisms and between organisms and the environment
- 17. The flow of energy through an ecosystem is one of the most important factors that determines the ability to sustain life
- 19. A serie of predictable changes in an environment
- 21. Different populations that live together in a defined area
- 22. State of matter from gas to liquid;reverse of vaporization
- 23. Contains the combined portions of the planet in which all of life exist,including land,water and atmosphere
- 25. The continuous movement of water within the Earth and atmosphere
- 1. process by which water on the ground enters soil
- 2. Breaks down dead/decay matter.Bacteria and Fungi are examples of
- 4. Provide populations of wildlife with food,water,shelter and space
- 6. Each step in a food chain/web
- 7. A group of ecosystem that have the same climate and similar dominant communities
- 10. Process of becoming a vapor
- 12. same species and live in same area
- 13. Physical,non-living factors that influence an ecosystem
- 16. A collection of all organisms that live in a particular place together with their nonliving environment
- 18. web A network of complex feeding relationships among the various organisms in an ecosystem
- 20. The role the species plays,and includes the type of food it eats,where it lives,where it reproduces,and its relationships with other species
- 24. eat meat and plants