
  1. 2. compound
  2. 6. any of the class of sugars
  3. 10. scale a measure of how acidic/basic water is.
  4. 13. The chemical changes that take place in a cell or an organism
  5. 14. organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives
  6. 15. nucleoside linked to phosphate
  7. 17. The substances that go into a chemical reaction
  8. 19. the surface on which an organism
  9. 21. from within
  1. 1. a diverse category of products and are generally large, complex molecules
  2. 3. reaction when chemical bonds between atoms are formed or broken
  3. 4. a substance that molecular structure consisting chiefly of or entirely of similar units bound together
  4. 5. large group of organic compounds
  5. 7. biological catalyst and is almost always a protein.
  6. 8. energy the amount of energy required to reach the transition state
  7. 9. acid: complex organic substance
  8. 11. acid molecules that combine to form proteins
  9. 12. to
  10. 16. of
  11. 18. enzyme
  12. 20. molecule made up of amino acids
  13. 22. a molecule which can facilitate a chemical reaction without being consumed or changed.