- 3. someone or somethings relying on something else for food
- 5. yeast is in the process
- 8. the process of not getting enough oxygen and making 2 ATP
- 10. things that make your own food
- 11. the process which plants turn carbon dioxide to oxygen
- 12. main type of energy for body cells
- 19. oxygen used to produce energy
- 20. the process maintain living organism
- 1. a place where photosynthesis takes place
- 2. anaerobic pathway
- 4. the process of getting alot of oxygen and making 36-38 ATP
- 6. the gas that plants take in to make oxygen
- 7. light absorbing pigment
- 9. molecule involved in transferring and providing energy
- 13. the strength to do something chemically or physically
- 14. cells and issue that supports other things
- 15. acid occurs in animals organism with muscles
- 16. the source of energy use or storage
- 17. site of exchange.
- 18. the color produced from selective color absorption