- 2. one benefits and one is harmed
- 3. feeding relationships in which one organism captures and feeds on another
- 7. eats plants and animal remains and dead matter
- 8. uses energy from environment to make their own food
- 13. eats only plants
- 14. nonliving factors in a ecosystem
- 22. diagram that shows relative amounts of biomass energy or number of individuals contained within each trophy level of a food chian
- 25. group of individuals of some species living in the same place and time
- 26. eats only other animals
- 27. group of organisms so similar they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
- 28. specific role as a specific fulfills in an ecosystem that encompasses all the physical and biological conditions of a species
- 29. area where organisms live
- 1. states that no two organisms can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time
- 4. relies on other organisms for its energy and food supply
- 5. total amount of living tissue within a given trophy level
- 6. breaks down organic matter into its chemical components to be recycled
- 9. a single step or stage in a food chain or ecological pyramid
- 10. living factors in ecosystem
- 11. group of ecosystems with the same climate and similar dominant or climax community
- 12. study of interactions among organisms and their environment
- 15. group of populations that live together in the same place and time
- 16. collection of all food chains in an ecosystem
- 17. both benefit
- 18. any relationship between two organisms that live very closely with one another
- 19. organisms that live in a particular area and their nonliving environment
- 20. collection of all the ecosystems and biomes present on earth
- 21. series of steps that show a single pathway of matter and energy from producer to top consumer
- 23. eats both plants and animals
- 24. close relationship between two species in which one benefits and the other is unaffeted