
  1. 3. process of 2 daughter cells dividing
  2. 5. different alleles (Bb)
  3. 6. deoxyribose
  4. 8. same alleles(BB,bb)
  5. 11. provide structural support
  6. 13. prepares for mitosis
  7. 15. double stranded nucleic acids (Dna/Rna)
  8. 16. compatible with thymine
  9. 21. compatible with guanine
  10. 22. resting phase
  11. 24. A,T,G,C
  12. 27. division of cytoplasm
  13. 28. hybrid that is heterozygous specific gen
  14. 29. creation of proteins by cells
  1. 1. pull apart
  2. 2. random change in a sequence of a gene
  3. 4. spindle fibers
  4. 7. Dna is a _____
  5. 9. deoxyribonucleic acid
  6. 10. compatible with adenine
  7. 12. always expressed
  8. 13. compatible with cytosine
  9. 14. only expressed in both allele are present
  10. 17. information is encoded in messenger Rna
  11. 18. Ribonucleic acid
  12. 19. two nuclei
  13. 20. copying a segment of Dna/Rna
  14. 23. where the nucleus dissolves
  15. 25. cell grows in _____
  16. 26. hybrid that is heterozygous two genes