
  1. 3. another name for fats
  2. 5. enzyme that digests sugar
  3. 6. pressure on plant cells
  4. 7. breaks down fats
  5. 8. helps to neutralize acid
  6. 9. macromolecule made up of sugars
  7. 12. makes up cell walls
  8. 13. tiny projections in small intestine
  9. 16. secretes enzymes for digestion
  10. 17. top and bottom of leaf
  11. 19. macromolecule made up of amino acids
  12. 20. movement of water to more particles
  1. 1. surrounds all cells
  2. 2. enzyme that digests protein
  3. 4. animal cells do this in water
  4. 10. suffix that all enzymes have
  5. 11. where the DNA is stored
  6. 14. made up of tightly wound DNA
  7. 15. ideal conditions for a reaction
  8. 17. biological catalyst
  9. 18. prevents food from going into lungs