
  1. 4. a kind of pigment in chloroplasts
  2. 5. which is made with amino acids
  3. 6. which belongs to monosaccharide
  4. 7. which test for simple sugars
  5. 12. which stores cell sap
  6. 13. where most respiration happens
  7. 14. where photosynthesis happens
  8. 15. which uses as biological catalyst
  9. 16. which can lead to several disease as diabetes
  1. 1. which contains DNA
  2. 2. which holds the cell together
  3. 3. a process that doesn’t need energy to happen
  4. 8. where most chemical reactions happen
  5. 9. a type of polysaccharide
  6. 10. belongs to polysaccharide
  7. 11. which joins amino acids together