
  1. 2. An organ of the body which responds to external stimuli
  2. 4. Cover up wounds with clots
  3. 5. Lets blood go through our body.
  4. 6. The study of life
  5. 11. Enables us to excrete waste
  6. 14. A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction
  7. 17. Blood from body
  8. 19. Part of the immune system
  9. 23. haemoglobin and Oxygen
  10. 25. The "Holding Chambers"
  11. 26. Enable us to do things
  12. 27. vital for sensory perception and integration
  13. 28. Provides our limbs with red stuff.
  14. 29. Emotions and memories.
  15. 30. Prevents bacteria from overtaking our body.
  1. 1. Nerve cells that carry information
  2. 3. Inhalation and exhalation
  3. 7. Processes images and visual cues.
  4. 8. Language, memory, reasoning, thought, learning, decision-making, emotion, intelligence and personality
  5. 9. Pumping blood.
  6. 10. The "Pumping Chambers"
  7. 12. Brain and Spinal cord
  8. 13. Language, memory, reasoning, thought, learning, decision-making, emotion, intelligence and personality
  9. 15. Bones
  10. 16. The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism
  11. 18. The system that tells you how to react.
  12. 20. Body Temperature and hunger and thirst.
  13. 21. Manages thinking, emotions, personality, judgment, self-control, muscle control and more
  14. 22. _____ oblongata
  15. 24. Food