
  1. 2. - Allows food and drink to go from the mouth to the stomach.
  2. 3. - You eat food with it.
  3. 5. - Make up everything in our body
  4. 9. - Removes toxins.
  5. 10. - Allows air to come through.
  6. 11. - Plays a massive part in our digestive system.
  7. 12. lobe - Thinking, emotions, personality, judgment, self-control, muscle control and movements and memory storage.
  8. 15. - Pumps your blood.
  9. 17. - What this topic is.
  10. 20. - Emotions, processing information from your senses, storing and retrieving memories, and understanding language.
  11. 21. - How things work.
  12. 22. - Grows larger as we consume more protein.
  13. 24. - Parts of the brain that control certain things.
  14. 25. - Body's largest organ.
  1. 1. - They make up the structure of our body.
  2. 4. - What you breath in.
  3. 6. -
  4. 7. lobe - Taste, hearing, touch, sight and smell.
  5. 8. - Controls what we do
  6. 13. lobe - Visuospatial processing, distance and depth perception, colour determination, object and face recognition, and memory formation.
  7. 14. - Air goes to them.
  8. 16. - Thicker than veins.
  9. 18. marrow - The spongy stuff in our bones.
  10. 19. - Blue and red and transport blood.
  11. 23. - What you see with.