- 2. A sac containing digestive enzymes that break down particles including bacteria and old parts of the cell
- 4. Made of DNA, the blueprint to making genetic copies
- 8. The jelly like substance that suspends cell organelles
- 10. surrounds the cell and controls what goes in and out of the cell
- 11. Secretes materials outside of the cell
- 12. The "control" center of the cell that directs all cell activities
- 1. Tunnel system that transports materials around the cell
- 3. changes nutrients into energy for the cell
- 5. large storage structure that holds H2O. enzynes and the same waste
- 6. small spherical structure that produces proteins to be used in and out of the cell
- 7. stores chlorophyll and performs photosynthesis and changes light energy into chemical energy (food)
- 9. rigid layer of cellulose that supports the cell