
  1. 4. Insect science?
  2. 7. The type of human nutrition?
  3. 8. muscle. The part of the body that helps us move?
  4. 10. ovary. The organ that produces eggs?
  5. 11. A group of organisms of the same species?
  6. 12. Cell Science?
  7. 15. The part of the plant that contains the seeds?
  8. 17. The science of viruses?
  9. 18. The science of mammals?
  10. 19. The part of the body that connects the bones?
  1. 1. The organ that filters the blood?
  2. 2. The part of the plant that attracts insects?
  3. 3. The organ that protects the heart?
  4. 5. The type of plant nutrition?
  5. 6. The science of bacteria?
  6. 9. The fertilization process?
  7. 12. A group of organisms living in one place?
  8. 13. ovary. The organ that produces sperm?
  9. 14. The process of cell division?
  10. 16. The part of the body that helps us hear?