- 3. A molecule containing a Macro amount of Atoms.
- 6. The area where the Substrate will go into the Enzyme that will fit perfectly according to the Substrate. s
- 7. The reactant needed for the enzyme to make a reaction.
- 8. The Enzyme that breaks down Cellulose.
- 11. Energy need for the body.
- 14. They are Compound Lipids.
- 16. Macromolecules made out of Nucleotides
- 17. Nucleic Acids.
- 18. Sugars that are linked together.
- 1. Simple units of sugar.
- 2. They are a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar and a phosphate.
- 4. They are Enzymes.
- 5. A certain amount of molecules linked together.
- 8. A monomer that is used for quick energy.
- 9. A monomer that is a fat.
- 10. Molecules that form proteins.
- 12. A molecule that can be bonded with other molecules to create a Polymer.
- 13. Amino acid block that are bonded together.
- 15. They are used in Nucleotides.
- 19. They are Proteins.