
  1. 3. A molecule containing a Macro amount of Atoms.
  2. 6. The area where the Substrate will go into the Enzyme that will fit perfectly according to the Substrate. s
  3. 7. The reactant needed for the enzyme to make a reaction.
  4. 8. The Enzyme that breaks down Cellulose.
  5. 11. Energy need for the body.
  6. 14. They are Compound Lipids.
  7. 16. Macromolecules made out of Nucleotides
  8. 17. Nucleic Acids.
  9. 18. Sugars that are linked together.
  1. 1. Simple units of sugar.
  2. 2. They are a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar and a phosphate.
  3. 4. They are Enzymes.
  4. 5. A certain amount of molecules linked together.
  5. 8. A monomer that is used for quick energy.
  6. 9. A monomer that is a fat.
  7. 10. Molecules that form proteins.
  8. 12. A molecule that can be bonded with other molecules to create a Polymer.
  9. 13. Amino acid block that are bonded together.
  10. 15. They are used in Nucleotides.
  11. 19. They are Proteins.