
  1. 1. The basic unit of structure and function
  2. 3. person to look at a cell through a microscope
  3. 6. Bodies delvers the protein
  4. 8. A substance used in a vaccination that consists of pathogens that have been weakend
  5. 10. killed but still trigger the body to produce chemicals that destroy the pathogens
  6. 12. Through a host which are cells
  7. 14. The most basic level of organization in the classification of organisms
  8. 15. means able to work against or hold off an opposing force
  9. 16. A living thing
  1. 2. something used to protect bacteria in hard conditions
  2. 4. How they obtain food, types of cells, and number of cells
  3. 5. can carry Malaria (deadly)usually found in third world countries
  4. 7. The scientific study of how living things are classified
  5. 9. Wall only in a plant cell and protects the cell.
  6. 11. This can destroy your property or land
  7. 13. only has one cell