- 2. variable - affect by other variables
- 4. - more than one code for the same amino acid
- 6. reactions - exothermic reactions which break down large molecules and supply energy
- 7. Cloning - isolating and making a copy of the gene
- 9. - different versions of the gene (one from each parent)
- 11. - number of same species in a specific area
- 13. - all the same type of atom
- 14. - the study of life
- 15. reactions - endothermic reactions which build up large molecules are require energy
- 18. - all the populations in the same area
- 19. roles
- 20. - similar ecosystems with similar environments
- 23. thing - organism
- 25. allele - expressed; Recessive allele - hidden
- 28. - serve as chemical messengers and have
- 29. replication - make a copy of the chromosomes
- 31. - different allele from each parent
- 32. reaction
- 33. - alleles inherited from parent
- 35. - each codon codes for only one amino acid
- 1. - science of heredity
- 3. - all living things use the same code
- 5. - part of Earth where life exists; includes water, land and air
- 8. energy - energy is required to start a
- 10. - abiotic and biotic factors in an area
- 12. Chain Reaction - makes many copies of the DNA segment
- 16. - same allele from each parent
- 17. - expression of the genes
- 21. bonds - keep water in the liquid phase even though it shouldn’t be at room temperature
- 22. - fat or oil
- 24. variable - changed by the experimenter
- 26. Cloning - isolating and making a copy of the gene
- 27. - speed up reactions in cells, without them most life would die
- 30. - electrical charge difference between areas of molecule
- 34. - location of gene on the chromosome
- 36. - sum of all the reactions within an organism