- 3. nearest to the back of the body
- 6. The front of any structure
- 8. the process of deteriorating
- 9. nerve cord nervous tissue
- 10. focusing on a specific skill
- 11. The 3 mail germ layers
- 14. evolution of the nervous tissue
- 17. fertilized egg cell
- 18. super small
- 19. a ne’er or back on a animal to help them move
- 20. pouch a sack in between the pharynx and esophagus
- 21. more than 2 equal halves
- 1. animals state of development
- 2. the nearest to the head
- 4. a animal without a back bone
- 5. food passing through and braking down
- 7. a living moving thing
- 12. both sides of a animal or object are the same
- 13. a animal with a back bone and skeleton
- 15. higher vertebrate that supports the axis of the body
- 16. 2 equal halves