Biology ch. 1 vocab

  1. 2. a simplified representation of reality
  2. 4. a logical procedure that helps answer a scientific method
  3. 7. the earth must be protected and preserved at all cost, and the environment is fragile
  4. 9. The generation of data that can be analyzed to explain phenomena
  5. 11. a sampling of data gathered from an existing group of people
  6. 13. A set of presuppositions that influence how you view the world.
  7. 14. a model that explains a set of observations
  8. 16. God’s command to multiply and fill the earth and have dominion over it.
  1. 1. preservation and wise use of natural resources
  2. 3. the study of ethical situations in biology and medicine
  3. 5. how you view something
  4. 6. the use of technology to enhance living organisms and their processes
  5. 8. a model that describes how phenomena relate to one another
  6. 10. a simple testable statement that predicts the answer to a question
  7. 12. The study of life
  8. 15. Qualities that God placed in people to reflect himself