Biology Chapter 1

  1. 2. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. 4. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. 6. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. 10. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. 12. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. 14. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. 15. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. 16. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. 17. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. 18. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. 19. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. 20. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. 1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. 3. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. 5. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. 7. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. 8. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. 9. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. 11. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. 13. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition