Biology Classroom Expectations Review

  1. 4. Be on time and ready to ______!
  2. 6. You need to bring a pencil/pen, biology notebook, laptop and __________ to class EVERY DAY!
  3. 7. If you miss work, you can get it from the missing work bin in the back of the classroom. It is organized by ____ with 31 sections.
  4. 9. You should use technology _____________, which means staying on task and not going on inappropriate websites.
  5. 12. This is where your trash goes.
  6. 15. The opposite of a negative attitude is...
  7. 17. Besides pockets, where should your cell phone be during class?
  8. 18. All classwork should be glued into your science __________ and turned in at the end of each unit.
  9. 19. Make sure to eat this before school so you have energy to learn!
  10. 20. Always treat your classmates, teachers (including subs), and classroom supplies with __________.
  11. 21. If you have a question while Ms. Lawless is talking, don't yell it out, instead raise your ____ and she will call on you.
  1. 1. Googling answers or using Chat GPT is considered this, and you will not get credit for it.
  2. 2. If you miss a quiz, you can come in at _______ or after school to take it.
  3. 3. When a teacher is talking, you should be at a voice level ______ and actively listening.
  4. 5. You have 6 minutes to walk between classes, so don't be ______!
  5. 8. If you are absent, you can message Ms. Lawless on ______ to see what you missed.
  6. 10. What class is this?
  7. 11. Most days we will do this at the beginning of class, which consists of 2 review questions and a new vocabulary word.
  8. 13. You should always sit in your ____________ seat, unless your teacher gave you permission to move.
  9. 14. Where is the free biology tutoring Monday-Friday after school?
  10. 16. The Table of _________ shows the order of assignments in your science notebook.