- 1. Class Diplopoda. One was named after Taylor Swift
- 3. Found in a bird's integumentary system
- 6. Bat order
- 8. A sperm cell's "Tail"
- 10. (2 words) Mammal named after a literal gamete
- 14. What the D in DNA stands for
- 18. Naughty little toothed whales
- 19. Chemical compound. What an Arhtropod's exoskeleton is made of
- 20. Gallus Gallus Domesticus
- 23. A human's biggest organ
- 24. Butterfly larva
- 30. Organ that only appears in pregnant female placental mammals
- 35. Found in RNA but not in DNA
- 36. Fastest land animal
- 37. For example: Octopus, Snail, Oyster
- 38. Taxonomic placement: Incertae ___
- 39. The first organ food encounters through the digestive track
- 2. (2 words) Marine mammal, order carnivora
- 4. Asymmetrical animal in the ocean
- 5. (2 words) Plant cells have this
- 7. Domestic cat's genus name
- 9. (2 words) Fastest animal of all
- 11. Phylum of segmented worms
- 12. Type of symmetry Echinoderms have
- 13. (2 words) Baleanoptera Musculus
- 15. Male chromosomes
- 16. Canis Lupus Familiaris
- 17. Scary cartilaginous fish
- 21. For example: Jellyfish, corals
- 22. Respiratory organ that are found in all mammals and only in mammals
- 25. Hymenopteran that can't fly
- 26. For example: Ostriches, Kiwis
- 27. Cute pink salamander
- 28. Looks like a clam. Turns out it's from a completely different phylum
- 29. Genus of big cats
- 31. A cell that doesn't stop multiplying
- 32. Not a plant, but can perform photosynthesis
- 33. For example: Puffballs, Yeasts
- 34. Monotreme with a bill
- 38. The animal that the character "Plankton" from "Spongebob Squarepants" is based off