Biology crossword

  1. 2. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  2. 3. cell a cell in an animal
  3. 5. a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell.
  4. 9. system a system of organs functioning in humans
  5. 12. system the system that circulates blood and lymph through the body
  6. 13. wall protects the cell and provides strength.
  7. 15. system the system that removes waste from the body.
  8. 17. any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made
  9. 19. cell a cell in a plant
  10. 21. consisting of many cells
  11. 22. single-celled animal
  12. 24. the way and amoeba gets food
  13. 25. system a group of organs that work together to perform one or more functions.
  1. 1. single-celled freshwater animal that has a characteristic slipper-like shape and is covered with cilia.
  2. 4. system where food is digested
  3. 6. light-sensitive pigmented spot
  4. 7. produces energy.
  5. 8. green single-celled freshwater organism with a flagellum
  6. 10. sacs for storage digestion and waste removal
  7. 11. consisting of a single cell
  8. 14. slender threadlike structure
  9. 16. short microscopic hairlike vibrating structure
  10. 18. the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to make foods
  11. 20. control center of the cell
  12. 23. a single-celled aquatic organism