Biology Crossword

  1. 1. an organism who creates their own food
  2. 5. the input of harmful contaminants
  3. 8. a relationship between different species where one benefits and the other is neutral
  4. 9. a taxon in the highest rank of organisms
  5. 10. a relationship between species where one lives on the host causing harm
  6. 11. the maximum population size of the species that an environment can sustain
  7. 15. the reduction of nitrates back into nitrogen gas
  8. 17. a consumer who only eats plants
  9. 18. where one species consumes members of another species
  10. 22. the process where organic substances are broken down into simpler organic matter
  11. 30. factors whose effects on the size depends on the population density
  12. 31. an organism whose cell contains a nucleus within a membrane
  13. 34. a large region of Earth that has a certain climate and types of biotic factors
  14. 36. hardy species who first colonize barren environments
  15. 41. a community where populations remain stable and exist in balance
  16. 42. on a cladogram, shows the common ancestors of those descendants
  17. 43. a tool that allows the user to determine the identity of items
  18. 46. the process where the structure of a biological community evolves over time
  19. 48. the exponential growth of biological organisms
  20. 50. a grouping in a cladogram that includes a common ancestor and descendants
  21. 53. an organism that feeds on tertiary consumers
  22. 57. a diagram that shows how organisms transfer energy and nutrients through each other
  23. 59. capable of being broken down by the action of microorganisms
  24. 61. an autotroph who creates food based on inorganic materials
  25. 64. a model of biomass present in a unit area through various trophic levels
  26. 65. a consumer who cannot manufacture food on its own and must rely on others
  27. 66. an organism that feeds on primary products
  28. 68. food or any substance assimilated by an organisms and is required for growth
  29. 70. the increase in earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gasses
  30. 72. an autotroph who creates food using the sun
  31. 73. occurs when the growth rate decreases as the population reaches carrying capacity
  32. 74. non-living components of a community
  33. 75. a long term interaction between two different species
  34. 76. the process of individuals moving into a range
  35. 77. place where an organism or a community of organisms lives
  36. 78. interaction between organisms of different species who both benefit
  1. 2. a consumer who consumes dead or decaying matter
  2. 3. two species that compete for the same resource cannot coexist
  3. 4. a consumer who eats meat
  4. 6. a species that is at risk of becoming endangered
  5. 7. a natural resource that cannot be replaced within a short period of time
  6. 10. the number of organisms of the same species living in the same area
  7. 12. the rate where plants produce organic compounds in an ecosystem
  8. 13. the creation of organic compounds from inorganic chemicals
  9. 14. an organism that feeds on primary consumers
  10. 16. a model that shows the number of organisms at each trophic level
  11. 18. a measure of the number of organisms that make up a population
  12. 19. an organism that feeds on secondary consumers
  13. 20. an organism that causes harm in a new environment where it isn't native
  14. 21. the variability among living organisms
  15. 23. the process of individuals moving out of the population's range
  16. 24. living components of a community
  17. 25. development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future
  18. 26. the position that an organism occupies in a food chain
  19. 27. interacting groups of various species in a common location
  20. 28. factor limiting the size of a population whose effects aren’t dependent on the individuals
  21. 29. the process where certain harmful substances make their way up the food chain
  22. 32. a consumer who eats both plants and meat
  23. 33. a model that shows the flow of energy through trophic levels
  24. 35. an organism who eats biotic organisms
  25. 37. succession where the environment lacks soil
  26. 38. the evolutionary history of an organism
  27. 39. any species that is at risk of extinction
  28. 40. the conversion of nitrogen gas into a combined form
  29. 44. the process of transforming light energy into chemical energy
  30. 45. a technique that uses the mutation rate to deduce the time when life forms diverged
  31. 47. Succession where the environment has soil already
  32. 49. when meaningful additions of an element increases in the rate of a biological process
  33. 51. the way an organism fits into an ecological community
  34. 52. process when water becomes enriched in nutrient then leads to overgrowth and depletion of oxygen
  35. 54. a representation that shows the feeding relationships of groups of organisms
  36. 55. a rapid increase in the population of algae in a water system
  37. 56. the management of nature and of the earth's biodiversity to protect species
  38. 58. unicellular organisms that lack a membrane-bound nucleus
  39. 60. organisms who break down dead or decaying organisms and wastes
  40. 62. the zone of air, land and water where organisms exist
  41. 63. an interaction between organisms where both the species are harmed
  42. 67. the study of the distribution and abundance, interaction, and their environment
  43. 69. a system that includes all living organisms in an area
  44. 71. a model that shows many food chains linked together