Biology crossword

  1. 3. symbiotic relationship between fungus and photosynthesis relying plants
  2. 6. Symbiotic relationship between organisms that only one benefits and another suffers from it
  3. 8. interaction were one benefits but other organism neither benefits or is harmed
  4. 10. a collection of all organisms in an area and non-living things
  5. 11. dependent factors only has affect on population when it reaches a certain point
  6. 13. Succesion gradual replacement of a species
  7. 14. growth a constantly growing population
  8. 17. the amount of organism a ecosystem or biome can hole with its current resources
  9. 19. Fragmetation the loss of habitats
  10. 20. Factors non-living parts of the ecosystem
  11. 21. Species were different plants or animals move into different ecosystems
  12. 22. Capacity maximum population that a ecosystem or biome can hold
  1. 1. Effect a normal warming affect when gases are trapped in the atmosphere
  2. 2. the constant loss of resources needed
  3. 4. Species a hardy species that starts the life after a previous disaster
  4. 5. Facotrs living organisms in an ecosystem
  5. 7. the state of decay or rotting
  6. 9. harvesting resources faster than they can naturally be replaced
  7. 12. interaction between two organisms when they both require a resource
  8. 15. Growth the influence of limiting factors on populations growth
  9. 16. the total count of a certain species
  10. 18. varieties of different life on earth