Biology Crossword

  1. 1. the ability to differentiate into specialised cells
  2. 3. a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian mammals, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord.
  3. 5. egg or sperm cells
  4. 8. the innermost gem layer of a human or animal embryo
  5. 9. a birth defect that can result from exposure to certain chemicals during critical periods of organ development is known as _____________ malformation
  6. 16. organs and processors of the body that provide resistance against infection and toxins; _______ system.
  7. 19. refers to a cell that can differentiate into a number of closely related cell types
  8. 20. structure in an ovary where an egg develops
  9. 21. once all three germ players have formed, all vertebrate are said to be ____________
  10. 23. cells or tissues obtained from the same individual are considered ___________
  11. 24. the process or period of developing inside the womb from fertilisation to birth
  12. 26. refers to a cell that can differentiate into all different cell types
  13. 27. the outermost germ layer of a human or animal embryo
  14. 29. the ingestion of bacteria or other material by phagocytes and amoeboid protozoans.
  15. 31. refers to a cell that can differentiate into many different cell types
  16. 32. the union of egg and sperm to for a zygote is known as__________
  17. 35. early stage of a developing organism; in humans includes the first 8 weeks of development
  18. 36. the stage before birth is known as _____________
  19. 38. a scientific testing room
  20. 39. the middle germ layer of a human of animal embryo
  21. 40. a fertilised egg that results from the fusion of haploid gametes is referred to as a________
  1. 2. a gene that signals cells to continue dividing
  2. 4. cells that are undifferentiated and found in multicellular organisms are known as__________
  3. 6. a potential source of embryonic stem cells generated from parthenogenesis
  4. 7. derived from bone marrow
  5. 10. synonym for adult stem cells
  6. 11. a type of partially differentiated, usually unipotent cell that has lost most or all of the stem cell multipotency; ___________ cell
  7. 12. an agent that can supress or fervent the immune response
  8. 13. flexible structure that contains blood vessels that attaches a human or other mammalian fetus to the placenta during gestation
  9. 14. programmed cell death
  10. 15. the period after implantation, during which all of the major organs and structures within the growing mammal are formed is known as the __________ phase
  11. 17. an agent or factor that causes development abnormalities and malformations in embryos
  12. 18. a modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals
  13. 22. grown or propagated in an artificial medium
  14. 24. complex cell migrations that reorganise the inner cell mass of the embryo blastocyst into a three layered structure is referred to as _____________
  15. 25. synonym for an unborn child
  16. 28. a type of cloning which involves the creation of the embryo, through a technique of somatic nuclear transfer in order to obtain stem cells from that embryo
  17. 30. a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action
  18. 33. A periodic release of the ovum from the ovary
  19. 34. a person who provides blood, bone marrow tissue or other biological tissues for transfusion or transplantation
  20. 37. relating to or denoting the tissue responsible for producing lymphocytes and antibodies