Biology Crossword

  1. 2. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body
  2. 3. a device for controlling the passage of fluid or air through a pipe, duct, etc
  3. 5. denoting a tooth with three cusps or points.
  4. 10. supply, treat, charge, or enrich with oxygen
  5. 13. a bright red substance formed by the combination of haemoglobin with oxygen, present in oxygenated blood
  6. 15. a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, typically as felt in the wrists or neck
  7. 16. the pulsation of the heart
  8. 18. any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body
  9. 19. shaped like a half-moon or crescent
  10. 20. suffering from anaemia
  1. 1. the colourless fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat globules are suspended
  2. 2. having two cusps or points
  3. 4. a colourless cell which circulates in the blood and body fluids and is involved in counteracting foreign substances and disease
  4. 6. a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates
  5. 7. a red blood cell, which (in humans) is typically a biconcave disc without a nucleus
  6. 8. a device for stimulating the heart muscle and regulating its contractions
  7. 9. any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules
  8. 11. the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system
  9. 12. remove oxygen from
  10. 14. a large vein carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart
  11. 17. any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying mainly oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart