Biology Definitions

  1. 2. Specialised fluid, often containing cells, that is circulated to provide internal transport in animals.
  2. 4. ______ circulatory system: A system for fluid transportation in which there is no specialised transporting fluid (blood).
  3. 7. A membrane-bound liquid-filled space within cells. Responsible for turgidity and storage in plants as well as Water balance and intercellular digestion in organisms.
  4. 8. A tube carrying urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
  5. 14. ____ of Henle: The U-shaped loop in a mammalian kidney between the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, dipping into the medulla.
  6. 15. ________ circulatory system: A circulation system in which specialized fluid carrying nutrients (e.g. blood) is circulated throughout the body in a closed system of vessels.
  7. 16. A plant response in which the direction of the response is related to the direction from which the stimulus comes (maybe positive or negative).
  8. 18. _____ acid: A complex nitrogenous compound that is produced by the breakdown of nucleic acids. Excreted by snails, reptiles, insects and birds
  9. 20. A muscular pumping organ that mover internal fluid (usually blood) in animals.
  10. 21. ______ pressure gradient: A gradient that causes the bulk flow of water in the phloem. It arises in response to an osmotic gradient.
  11. 22. A vertebrate storage organ for urine.
  12. 24. __________ hormone: A hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that controls the secretion of some pituitary hormones.
  13. 26. The removal of waste products from metabolism.
  14. 28. A plant hormone that stimulates the division of plant cells in the presence of an auxin.
  15. 33. Change in direction of plant growth in response to contact with a surface.
  16. 34. The organ of excretion in vertebrates, also has a role in water regulation.
  17. 36. _________ neuron: One which conducts an impulse from the receptor to the central nervous system
  18. 37. _________ detector: A receptor that detects change in a factor of the internal environment that is being regulated.
  19. 40. Tissue responsible for the transport of water and minerals from soil to leaves in vascular land plants.
  20. 45. Large artery carrying blood from the left ventricle to the body of animals.
  21. 46. Two large veins returning blood from the body and into the right atrium.
  22. 47. A blood vessel with thick, elastic walls, through which blood flows from the heart to other body parts
  23. 49. The fluid within the lymphatic system.
  24. 51. The area of the brain immediately below the thalamus.
  25. 54. ________ nervous system: A subdivision of the nervous system that regulates the internal environment.
  26. 57. A chemical released from a neuron ending, in response to a nerve impulse that interacts specifically with receptors on a responding cell.
  27. 60. The junction between a neuron and another cell, across which an impulse is transmitted; synaptic transmission usually involves the release of a chemical (neurotransmitter).
  28. 61. Oxygenated: High in oxygen.
  29. 62. _________ detector: A receptor that detects a change in the internal of external environment
  30. 64. Is the first nitrogenous waste to be formed in the breakdown of protein.
  31. 68. ____arc: A nerve pathway that produces an automatic and often rapid response to a stimulus; occurs without conscious thought.
  32. 75. A tiny blood vessel across which exchange occurs between blood and tissues.
  33. 77. Sensory receptor that detects and responds to a change in its shape.
  34. 78. _________ fluid: Extracellular fluid located in the spaces between cells in tissues.
  35. 80. A specialised structure that can detect a specific stimulus and initiate an action potential.
  36. 82. __________ fluid: Fluid contained within the cell membrane; fluid within the cytoplasm.
  37. 83. Active release of specific substances from a cell or group of cells.
  38. 84. A blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart in animals with closed circulatory system.
  39. 85. The maintenance of a stable internal environment in the face of changes in either the external or internal environment.
  40. 87. Fatty sheath containing nerves.
  41. 88. Deoxygenated: Has _____ levels of oxygen
  42. 94. Evaporation of water from plant shoots, mainly through stomata in leaves, and due largely to heat from the sun; draws water up xylem vessels from roots.
  43. 97. _______ cortex: The surface of the brain that is concerned with higher functions (such as memory).
  44. 98. A sensory receptor that detects and responds to light.
  45. 100. ______ potential: A reversal of the normal potential difference across a cell membrane, or between the inside and outside of a nerve fibre.
  46. 102. A plant hormone associated with fruit development and ripening.
  47. 104. __________ nervous system (PNS): Nerve pathways and neurons located outside the central nervous system of a vertebrate; includes spinal, sensory nerves and nerves supplying the internal organs.
  48. 105. blood pressure: Pressure in the main arteries due to the pumping action of the left ventricle.
  49. 106. The external covering of an organism.
  50. 107. _____ acid: A growth inhibiting plant hormone.
  51. 109. A plant hormone that promotes the growth of new shoots, phototropic responses and development of plant parts.
  52. 110. The area of the brain that functions in the unconscious coordination of movement and balance.
  53. 112. A clump of capillaries from which plasma is filtered into the Bowman’s capsule in the first part of urine formation. Found in the outa cortex of the kidney
  54. 113. Membrane-bound vesicles, found in most animal cells, in which powerful enzymes break down debris and foreign microorganisms
  55. 114. __________ system: A system of vessels, emptying into veins near the heart, which returns interstitial fluid and proteins into the blood circulation.
  1. 1. ________ neuron: One which conducts an impulse from the central nervous system to the effector.
  2. 3. A secretion produced by the bladder, acts as an emulsifying agent.
  3. 5. An intermitted wave of raised blood pressure passing rapidly along main arteries due to the left ventricle pumping blood into the aorta.
  4. 6. A nerve cell, including its cell body, dendrites and axon, forming the fundamental unit of the nervous system in animals.
  5. 7. ______ tissue: Specialised transport tissues of plants that are continuous throughout the plant. It includes Xylem and Phloem tissue.
  6. 9. Pulmonary ______: Blood vessels carrying blood towards or away from the lungs (via pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins)
  7. 10. An organ in vertebrates that secretes bile and stores glycogen.
  8. 11. Small fragments of cells found in blood and involved in the blood clotting process.
  9. 12. __________ nervous system: A sub division of the nervous system involved with functions over which the body has voluntary control.
  10. 13. A chamber of the heart into which blood returns from the body or the lungs before passing into the ventricles.
  11. 17. ______ blood cell (erythrocyte): A small biconcave haemoglobin-containing blood cell involved in oxygen transport.
  12. 19. The top of the spinal cord extending into the middle of the brain.
  13. 23. _______ gland: In animals, a gland that typically releases its secretion via a duct directly to the site of action, or into the exterior of the body.
  14. 25. ________ gland: in animals, a gland that typically releases its secretion (hormone) directly into the circulatory system
  15. 26. A muscle or gland that responds to a stimulus.
  16. 27. ______ blood cells (leucocyte): A nucleated blood cell involved in immune defence and responses. Including lymphocytes and phagocytes
  17. 29. A functional unit of the kidney; made up of Bowman’s capsule surrounding a glomerulus and a tubular region leading into a collecting tubule.
  18. 30. Fluid produced by the kidneys which contains nitrogenous waste products.
  19. 31. The middle (for example the middle of the kidneys)
  20. 32. Sensory receptors that detect and respond to specific chemical substances.
  21. 35. Pulmonary _____: Veins carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left ventricle
  22. 38. ‘Wood’ material in plant cell walls.
  23. 39. Naturally according hormones that accelerate plant growth by increasing stem elongation.
  24. 41. ___________ division: The division of the autonomic nervous system that generally enhances body activities to gain and conserve energy
  25. 42. Plant tissue through which sugars and other organic compounds are distributed to different parts of the plant.
  26. 43. __________ tubules: The excretory organs of insects that consists of blind-ending tubular glands that empty into the digestive tract. They remove nitrogenous waste from the blood.
  27. 44. A tube that carries urine from the bladder to the exterior.
  28. 46. Flaps of tissue that prevent the backflow of blood in the heart or Lymph in the lymphatic system.
  29. 48. ________ artery: Arteries, arising from the aorta, which carries blood to the muscular walls of the ventricles.
  30. 50. In the kidney, the process by which the primary kidney filtrate is taken back into the tissues, via the nephrons.
  31. 52. A type of white blood cell responsible for immune responses.
  32. 53. The reversal of polarity across the membrane of a cell.
  33. 55. A region of rapidly dividing cells which produces secondary growth in woody plants.
  34. 56. A nerve cell found in the brain or spinal cord
  35. 58. The part of the nerve cell that conducts action potential away from the cell body and towards the next nerve cell.
  36. 59. A type of white blood cell that is able to engulf and breakdown extracellular debris and invading microorganisms.
  37. 63. _________ fluid: Fluid located outside cell membranes: includes blood, plasma and interstitial fluid.
  38. 65. A highly muscular pumping chamber of the heart.
  39. 66. A small vein
  40. 67. Having a charge across a surface (e.g. Positive and negative)
  41. 69. A response of an organism to light (e.g. a change in direction of growth in a plant).
  42. 70. Sensory receptors that detect or respond to heat or cold
  43. 71. When substances are filtered through a specialised organ so nutrients can be reabsorbed by the body. (when blood is filtered in the glomerulus of the kidney).
  44. 72. Transport of dissolved sugars and other organic materials through phloem sieve tubes, from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
  45. 73. Stimulation of growth in some plants by exposure to a period of cold
  46. 74. ________ feedback: A mechanism in homeostasis whereby a change in the physical condition triggers a response that re-establishes homeostasis.
  47. 76. The loss of liquid water from leaves as a result of root pressure.
  48. 79. ______ nervous system (CNS): The brain and spinal cord of vertebrates.
  49. 81. Extensions of the cell body that increases the surface area for receiving inputs from neurons or sensory receptors.
  50. 86. _________ division: The division of the autonomic nervous system responsible for energy expenditure and preparing the body for action
  51. 89. The outer layer of an organ such as the brain or kidney.
  52. 90. ______ Pressure: Fluid pressure generated by the osmotic uptake of water, accompanying the active uptake of mineral salts into roots; contributes to the movement of water up the xylem in plants.
  53. 91. Blood _________ system: The blood transport system of the body.
  54. 92. A smaller branch of an artery.
  55. 93. The orientation of a plants growth in response to gravity.
  56. 95. Pulmonary ______: Arteries carrying deoxygenated blood from the right ventricles to the lungs.
  57. 96. __________ vessel: A vessel involved in the distribution of the blood to and from the body tissues.
  58. 99. ________ gland: An endocrine gland at the base of the hypothalamus which produces and secrets numerous hormones that regulated diverse body functions.
  59. 101. _______ capsule: The initial region of a nephron into which filtered plasma flows from the glomerulus
  60. 103. Passive diffusion of free water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from a solution in which there are more free water molecules (a dilute solution) to a solution in which there are fewer free water molecules (a concentrated solution).
  61. 105. A pale yellow liquid that is the fluid portion of the blood.
  62. 108. A functional unit of nervous system; consists of many neurons and carries messages in the form of electrical signals.
  63. 111. A product of protein metabolism that is water soluble and removed by excretion