Biology Enrichment Activity

  1. 3. The Centre of controlled mechanisms
  2. 6. Arterioles become narrow and reduce blood flow.
  3. 8. The layer below the skin
  4. 9. Arterioles become dilated and increase the flow of blood.
  5. 10. The condition in which the body does not properly process food for use as energy.
  6. 11. A form of sugar that can be stored.
  7. 12. Used to control the sugar level in the body
  1. 1. It transformed in to glucose when sugar levels are low.
  2. 2. What produces insulin.
  3. 4. Where is glycogen stored.
  4. 5. Maintenance of a constant internal environment.
  5. 7. The muscles contract and relax very quickly when it is cold.