Biology Final

  1. 4. one of the three domains of life, which contains all organisms with a nucleus
  2. 7. fan-shaped arrangement of bones in a fish's fin
  3. 9. observable change in the allele frequencies of a population over a few generations
  4. 10. isolation between populations due to physical barriers
  5. 12. protective bony plate that covers a fish's gills
  6. 14. science of classifying and naming organisms
  7. 15. effect of genetic drift that occurs after a small number of individuals colonize a new area
  8. 16. ability of a trait to be passed from one generation to the next
  9. 17. protein that binds to lipids inside a skin cell, forming a waterproof layer within the skin
  10. 18. regulation and maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism
  11. 20. study of the distribution of organisms around the world
  1. 1. inherited trait that is selected for over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment
  2. 2. selection type in which two opposite, but equally uncommon, phenotypes are selected over the most common phenotype
  3. 3. any animal having, at some stage in development, a hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits and tail
  4. 5. theory that states that the geologic processes that shape Earth are the same throughout time
  5. 6. evolutionary history of a group of related species
  6. 8. process of the body maintaining a stable internal temperature under various conditions
  7. 11. method of organizing species by evolutionary relationships in which species are grouped according to the order that they diverged from their ancestral line
  8. 13. process by which committed cells acquire the structures and functions of highly specialized cells
  9. 19. group of cells that work together to perform a similar function