Biology Lab Safety Crossword

  1. 2. Follow ____ instructions given by the instructor.
  2. 3. ____ only those liquids or solids in the sink or trash as indicated by the instructor.
  3. 7. Because each lab can be unique, there may be ____rules or procedures that ay not be listed.
  4. 9. Do not enter the ____.
  5. 10. Proper ____ protection is to be worn during labs.
  6. 11. You should ____ clean up a spill by yourself?
  7. 12. ____ hair needs to be tied back during a lab.
  8. 13. Always listen to your instructor and ____ her in the event of an accident.
  9. 14. Wash ____ thoroughly after each lab.
  10. 16. Do not ____ or drink anything in the lab at any time.
  1. 1. Keep all ____ materials away from lab stations.
  2. 4. Consider every chemical ____.
  3. 5. Never become involved in ____ or practical jokes.
  4. 6. Take proper care in ____ the lab station before leaving.
  5. 8. Do not work in the lab unless your instructor is present and you have ______.
  6. 15. ____ equipment is only to be used in an emergency as determined by the instructor.