- 3. The small units that link together to form polymers
- 4. acid simplest lipid.
- 7. A molecule which consist of a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail.
- 10. A single living being, like bacteria, plants, frog, human
- 11. To build. To put together
- 12. vital, required
- 13. special type of proteins which speed up (catalyse)the reactions
- 14. 2 sugar monomers bonded together by a glycosidic bond
- 16. The monomer of carbohydrates made up of glucose and fructose
- 18. water fearing
- 19. one of the macromolecules, whose monomer is amino acid
- 20. Type of molecule with uneven sharing of electrons, has +, - poles
- 21. structural combination of carbohydrates, used in plants to grow tall
- 1. water loving
- 2. acid The monomer building block of all proteins. 23 in all
- 5. a glycerol molecule with 3 fatty acid tails
- 6. Bond between 2 atom where electrons are shared
- 8. Many sugars, a polymer
- 9. Macromolecule which consists of fats and oils
- 15. An important polysaccharide found in animal muscle and liver
- 17. Sugars, glucose, fructose
- 19. Chain of linked monomers,in general