Biology of Plants: On the Origin of Species

  1. 4. The relationships among species is shown on a _________.
  2. 5. ______________ Isolation: Different flowering time, different pollinators, different habitats.
  3. 6. __________ Isolation: New mountain range, new river, isolated on an island.
  4. 8. A phylogeny shows reconstructed __________ among groups of organisms.
  5. 9. With no migrations, differences _____________.
  6. 12. When the two populations cannot exchange ___________, they are now considered separate species.
  7. 13. _________ _________ can cause evolution too.
  8. 15. Biological species concept: "Species are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural population that are reproductively _________ from other such groups."
  9. 16. Evolution can favor _________ organisms.
  1. 1. Post-_________ isolation: Hybrids are dead, or sterile, due to genetic incompatibility.
  2. 2. Darwin took integration of evolutionary theory with genetics: a modern _________ (1950s)
  3. 3. _____________ can be a byproduct of natural selection in isolated populations.
  4. 4. Evolution is not ____________.
  5. 7. _________________ ____________ is the mechanism that describes evolution.
  6. 10. ______________ can migrate to new populations. But only if individuals can breed!
  7. 11. With no migration through breeding, populations __________.
  8. 14. A junction on a phylogeny represents a shared _________ ancestor.