Biology Review William, Peter, Max, Mohamad

  1. 2. What organ system breaks down food?
  2. 3. What holds the food, water, and waste in plant cells.
  3. 7. What organ system is responsible for eliminating waste?
  4. 10. What organs filter the blood of the body?
  5. 11. What organ system involves the lungs?
  6. 13. What organ produces enzymes for the blood?
  7. 14. ________controls what coms inad and out of the cell.
  8. 15. What organ is the control center of the body?
  1. 1. What is the powerhouse of the cell?
  2. 4. What makes up an organ?
  3. 5. What do the organelles inside a cell float in?
  4. 6. What takes blood away from the heart.
  5. 7. What type of cells have a nucleus with genetic material.
  6. 8. _____is the basic unit of life.
  7. 9. What organ or system brings blood to the heart?
  8. 12. What organ pumps blood for the body?