Biology Revision

  1. 2. organs of respiration
  2. 4. white blood cell
  3. 5. transparent covering on the front of the eye
  4. 9. organ that turns sound waves into nerve impulses
  5. 10. neurones that carry impulses away from the CNS
  6. 11. the smallest tubes involved in gas exchange
  7. 14. afferent neurones carry impulses ________ the CNS
  8. 17. the sheet of muscle that enables respiration
  9. 18. lymph filtered here
  10. 19. bats and dolphins use this to find food
  11. 22. coloured part of the eye that changes the size of the pupil
  12. 23. red blood cell
  13. 25. tiny air sacs
  14. 27. blood vessels involved with gas exchange
  15. 28. carries blood under pressure
  16. 30. veins contains these to prevent backflow of blood
  17. 31. ___________ membrane also called the ear drum
  1. 1. type of peripheral nerve
  2. 2. focuses light
  3. 3. relies on its environment to regulate heat
  4. 6. enables clotting
  5. 7. fluid in the circulatory system
  6. 8. the two tubes that enter the lungs
  7. 12. an animal that can regulate temperature internally
  8. 13. tube that transports air from the larynx
  9. 15. _____ nerve sends signals to the brain
  10. 16. neurones that cause muscles to activate
  11. 18. chambers that warm and filter air
  12. 20. external part of the ear
  13. 21. _______, malleus and incus
  14. 24. contains the rod and cone cells
  15. 26. transports lymphocytes
  16. 29. prevents food from entering the trachea