- 3. (.....) blood cells that produce the anti bodies remain in the blood
- 5. the non specific defence system prevents micro organisms from entering the body (.....)are antibacterial chemicals
- 6. semmelweis was a (......) in the 1850s
- 7. initially causes a flu like illness
- 10. the (........) is deystroyed before it has a chance to make you ill
- 11. (.......) is spread by vectors
- 12. an example of a pathogen
- 15. the white blood cell produces (..........)
- 17. once the pathogens affect the cells they (........) in numbers
- 18. what is a viral disease showing symptoms of fever and a red skin rash
- 1. if the body is reinfected the (......) cells recognise the antigens to be able to cure the illness faster
- 2. vaccines involve introducing a small amount of (....) or inactive form of a pathogen to a person
- 4. (....) immunity is when a large proportion of the population is immunised greatly reducing the spread of that pathogen
- 5. the mucus and cilia waft pathogens upwards in the (.......)
- 8. you are (immune) once the pathogen is deystroyed
- 9. poisin from the body
- 10. pathogens are engulfed by the white blood cells
- 13. measles and (....) black spot are spread by droplet infection
- 14. (..........) and tmv are spread by contaminated food
- 16. eukaryotic organisms