Biology Vocabulary

  1. 5. A virus that uses RNA
  2. 8. A type of infection when cell's burst
  3. 11. Prokaryotes that can survive with or without oxygen
  4. 14. When a disease has spread throughout a community quickly
  5. 15. An infected disease made of proteins
  6. 16. Medicine that kills bacteria
  7. 17. A type of prokaryote that can cause diseeases
  8. 18. The interior of the membrane in a prokaryote that helps them survive harsh weather conditions
  9. 20. A type of poison
  1. 1. An infected disease that is in plants
  2. 2. The exterior of a virus, made of proteins
  3. 3. A process that cleans bacteria infected place
  4. 4. When a virus' DNA mixes with the host's DNA so that when the host's cells goes through mitosis the DNA that is infected also replicates
  5. 6. Viruses in bacteria
  6. 7. Prokaryotes that need oxygen to survive
  7. 9. Prokaryotes that DON'T need oxygen to survive
  8. 10. A virus that can cause an infectious disease
  9. 12. An infected disease
  10. 13. A shot that helps prevent a disease
  11. 19. Circular DNA found in bacteria