
  1. 2. The process of which a cell self destructs by producing self destructive enzymes
  2. 5. killer cell Destroys pathogens by apoptosis
  3. 6. Causes vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
  4. 7. Make cytokines
  5. 10. Engulfs a pathogen containing it in a vacuole lysosomes fuse with the vacuole which destroy the pathogen
  6. 11. cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells
  7. 12. Destroys by making antibodies which causes cell lysis and marks the pathogen for phagocytes
  1. 1. Chemical which attracts more phagocytes and natural killer cells
  2. 3. Destroys pathogen by phagocytosis
  3. 4. Makes Histamine
  4. 8. Uses apoptosis
  5. 9. the white blood cell multiplies when provided with a foreign antigen which matches its receptor