- 2. a hollow muscular organ the pumps bloood around the body
- 6. bubble like structures the provide an enormous amount of surface area
- 7. an inhereted trait that increases an organisms chances of survival
- 9. separate waste and extra water from the blood
- 15. all living organisms are related to one another
- 16. organs that exchange oxygen
- 17. blood circulates entirely within blood vessels that extend through the body
- 20. the process of change over time
- 22. structures that concentrate waste and add then to digestive wastes
- 24. proposed a mechanism for evolution
- 25. pumps blood out oxygen rich blood
- 27. the ability to survive and reproduce
- 1. tube like excretory structures that filter body fluid
- 3. feathery structure that expose a large surface area of thin selectively permeable membranes to water
- 4. "leftover" traces of evolution that serve no purpose
- 5. use kidneys to get to get rid of ammonia
- 8. blood is only partially contained within a system of blood vessels as it travels through the body
- 10. chemical or agent in the environment that cause mutation
- 11. embryos of all vertebrates are very similar early on
- 12. each living species had descended with changes from other species over time
- 13. each species produce more That can survive
- 14. receives oxygen poor blood
- 18. heritable changes in genetic information
- 19. gene mutations that involve changes in one or few nucleotides
- 21. spongy cavities
- 23. animals remove ammonia waste through the process
- 26. a record of the history of life on earth