
  1. 3. process of transplanting organs from one species to another
  2. 7. loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow to the brain
  3. 10. Surgeon/ a doctor that specifically preforms surgeries.
  4. 11. scientist that studies animals, plants, humans and their environment
  5. 13. the food enters the body
  6. 14. the trachea when swallowing occurs
  7. 15. took to help zoom in on a cell
  1. 1. of the moustache frog
  2. 2. most common animal used for xenotransplantation
  3. 4. dioxide+ water+ light energy --> glucose + oxygen
  4. 5. loss of bone tissue
  5. 6. attack/blood supply to the heart is slowed or stopped because of blockage
  6. 8. cells/ cells that have a membrane, nucleus and bound organelles
  7. 9. holds the food in the body before it continues the digestive process
  8. 12. used to cut things open(used in surgeries)