
  1. 1. it comes from food and it’s what powers up our bodies
  2. 4. these supply raw materials for growth and repair structures such as skin and muscles:
  3. 5. organ that continues the chemical and mechanical digestion of food.
  4. 8. it describes the relatively constant internal physical and chemical condition that organisms maintain despite changes in internal and external environments
  5. 11. organ system that produces gametes, and in females it nurtures and protects developing embryo
  6. 15. mixture of enzymes and partially-digested foods
  7. 18. organ system that works with skeletal system to produce voluntary movement
  8. 20. they help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and are a part of cell membranes, nerve cells, and certain hormones
  9. 21. organ system that guards against infections, injuries, and ultraviolet radiation from the sun
  10. 22. fingerlike projections in the small intestine
  11. 24. a group of different types of tissues that work together to perform a single function or several related functions
  12. 25. fats that contain only one double bond
  13. 28. it is the process in which a stimulus produces a response that opposes the original stimulus
  14. 32. supplied from food, our body uses it to build and repair body tissues
  15. 37. organ system that brings in oxygen needed for cellular respiration and removes excess carbon dioxide from the body
  16. 39. mineral that helps bone and tooth formation, and an acid-base balance
  17. 41. organ system that controls growth, development and metabolism
  18. 43. a way of digestion in which the physical large pieces are broken down into smaller pieces
  19. 45. the first step in the digestive system
  20. 46. organ that produces bile, converts ammonia into urea, and regulates the level of glucose we consume.
  21. 47. mineral that maintains bone and tooth structure
  1. 1. food passes through here and into the stomach
  2. 2. it is the basic unit of structure and function in living things
  3. 3. a group of cells that perform a single function
  4. 6. a type of tissue that provides support for the body and connects its parts
  5. 7. fats that contain more than one double bond
  6. 9. organ system that transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells
  7. 10. a group of organs that perform closely related functions
  8. 12. smooth muscles found in the esophagus, they help you swallow food
  9. 13. organ system that breaks down, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates wastes
  10. 14. a way of digestion in which enzymes break down food into the small molecules the body can use
  11. 16. organ system that eliminates waste products from the body
  12. 17. organ that absorbs water ad undigested material moves through and is eliminated from the body.
  13. 19. the process of putting food into your mouth
  14. 23. organ system that protects the body from diseases
  15. 25. inorganic nutrients that the body needs, usually in small amounts
  16. 26. tissue in which nerve impulses are transmitted throughout the body
  17. 27. organic molecules that the body needs in very small amounts
  18. 29. the major source of energy for our bodies
  19. 30. system that recognizes and coordinates the body’s response to changes in its internal and external environments
  20. 31. organ that produces hormones to regulate blood sugar levels
  21. 33. the most important nutrient
  22. 34. organ system that supports the body and protects internal organs
  23. 35. it breaks proteins into smaller polypeptide fragments
  24. 36. the tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surfaces
  25. 38. the first part of the small intestine, in which almost all of the digestive enzymes enter the intestine
  26. 40. enzyme found in saliva that beings to break the chemical bonds in starched, forming sugars
  27. 42. amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius
  28. 43. tissue that allows movement of the body
  29. 44. mineral that helps bone and tooth formation, blood clotting and nerve and muscle function